Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just a wider world, but themselves.
Stephen Moss
Not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Our challenge isn’t so much to teach children about the natural world, but to find ways to sustain the instinctive connections they already carry.
Terry Krautwurst
Raising Awareness to the Importance for Kids to Explore the Great Outdoors
Why should children explore the great outdoors?
Research indicates that moderate video game play can enhance various skills in children, including processing speed, executive functioning, and cognitive flexibility. The key here is moderation. According to studies by the Kaiser Family Foundation, children and young adults between the ages of eight and eighteen spend an average of 7.5 hours per day on screens, with up to 4.5 hours dedicated to television. Even semi-active children who spend half this amount still accumulate approximately 1300 hours per year in front of electronic devices such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and televisions. Over the course of a year, this amounts to a staggering 57 full days lost to screen time.
7.5 hours/day screening
4.5 hours/day television
57 days/year lost to screens
Watching Television
Screen Time For Leisure
On A Device
A thriving childhood hinges on an unexpected factor: play! Through imaginative play, children delve into their physical surroundings, nurture curiosity, and ignite their imaginations. However, excessive screen time can result in sleep disturbances and academic challenges. Likewise, insufficient physical activity may lead to health and social issues. Striking the right balance between technology and active play is crucial. By doing so, children can not only explore programming, hone coordination skills, and develop workforce readiness, but also engage in physical exercise, explore new places, interact with others and develop important social skills. The key lies in finding a healthy blend of technology and nature.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children’s screen time to be limited to under 60 minutes per day on school days and under 2 hours on non-school days. It is also recommended that children have some days with no screen time.
Healthy childhoods need surprises! Creative play encourages curiosity, growth of the imagination, exploration of the physical world, and exercise of the mind and body. Limiting screen time gives children more time to get outdoors, exercise, use their imagination or expand their mind through leisurely activities like reading a book, drawing, or painting. Studies have shown that reducing screen time has positive effects on a child’s “physical, social, and behavioral well-being”.
Become An Explorer?
Everyone can participate! Its free for you, your family, and your friends. Just get outdoors and start exploring. Share your adventures. When you finish your adventure, share the highlights with us using #baresolesexplorers. Want your adventure reposted on social media, tag @baresolesexplorers. Needing adventure ideas? Check out the Adventuring page for great ways to get outdoors and get started.
Your kids will remember the adventures you went on, not the stuff you bought them. Kids outgrow stuff, they never outgrow adventures.